Title: RE: [flexcoders] Re: remoteObject send failing

> It didnt work.
> So now I am wondering if uploadServer isnt my context.root.
> It is the name of my webapp. Perhaps these are not the same
> thing.

[Pete] Try browsing to the endpoint URI. If it's correct, it will not throw a 500 error and present a blank screen.

>> 3. Can you add a <mx:TraceTarget level="0" /> to your
>> MXML and then watch the flashlog.txt for more info?

> I did stick this in, but could you tell me where flashlog.txt  is kept?

[Pete] You could either debug with Flex Builder and it usually show trace output in the console panel, though I usually launch SWFs from a variety of places so I like to configure Flash Player trace logging manually. If you're on Windows, then you need to have a mm.cfg file in your %HOMEDRIVE%%HOMEPATH% directory, i.e. C:\Documents and Settings\yourusername\mm.cfg

In here, the contents should be:


Then, assuming you're using the debug versions of the Flash Player, a file called flashlog.txt will be created in your user directory. (I use tail.exe from cygwin to tail this file so that it appears as an updating console log).



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