I've been trying to embed a font with Beta 3 so I can do fade effects on it.  I searched the archives and saw I needed to change my flex-config file to flash.fonts rather than macromedia.fonts for the FontManager.  I made the changes to the config file but the error with "No FontManager provided" remains.
My code for embedding in the AS.......
Embed(systemFont='Arial', fontName='arial', mimeType='application/x-font')]
private var arial:Class;
and then in the mxml.......
<mx:TextArea id="seat0txt" fontFamily="arial" fontSize="10" wordWrap="true" editable="false" backgroundColor="#c0c0c0" backgroundAlpha="0.36" cornerRadius="11" textAlign="center" x="399" y="187" dropShadowEnabled="true" height="57" width="118" hideEffect="{fadeOut}"/>
My 3 compiler problems
----exception during transcoding: No FontManager provided. Cannot build font. 
----unable to build font 'arial' 
----Unable to transcode {mimeType=application/x-font, exportSymbol=components.ChatPanel_arial, systemFont=Arial, _file=components/ChatPanel-generated.as, fontName=arial, _column=5, _line=340}. ChatPanel.mxml 
The relevant part of my flex config file
Any hints??? Thanks so much!!
MKCNSC, inc.

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