If the View's, and all parents have a creationPolicy (in the case of Containers) to "all", then it will be created.  However, you cannot depend on creation order 100%; you'll end up with a race condition somehwere, and pull you're hair out.  You're best approach is to utilize a ModelLocator approach where you're sub-view, the datagrid, is bound to data inside the view.  This data is exposed as a public property that has the bindable tag (can be a getter /setter [mutator] also).  That way, as soon as the view is created, it has the data it needs.
-- pseduo code --
// ModelLocator class
public var my_array:ArrayCollection;
// main view
import ModelLocator;
<view:MyView someData="{ModelLocator.getInstance().my_array}" />
// sub view
public var someData:ArrayCollection;
<mx:DataGrid dataProvider="{someData}" />
Make sense?
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, July 10, 2006 10:59 AM
Subject: [flexcoders] Accessing a datagrid inside a different viewstate

I have a custom component that I created and I have added it to the main application.  There is a datagrid inside the custom component.  I call the data in the main app, place it in a public ArrayCollection and want the datagrid to display the data.  My problem is that the datagrid is in a different viewstate other than the default view and so I get a null reference error when I try to populate the datagrid from the main app.  Is there a way to force the component to create itself with the main app even though it is in a different viewstate?  Thank you

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