Flex version: 2 final

I'm receiving this message in the Flex server console:

[Flex] [WARN] HttpFlexSession has not been registered as a listener in web.xml f
or this application so no events will be dispatched to FlexSessionAttributeListe
ners or FlexSessionBindingListeners. To correct this, register flex.messaging.Ht
tpFlexSession as a listener in web.xml.

Now the HttpFlexSession is configured in the web.xml

<!-- Http Flex Session attribute and binding listener support -->

This is a default Flex installation with the only exception that in the JVM config I turned on remote debugging.  So I can debug my remote Java classes from Eclipse.  There is no other warning or error in de Flex log indicating another possible source to this problem.

What else is needed to configure the HttpFlexSession.  The web.xml file is just the one that came with the Flex installer.  Any hint?


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