I'm getting the data in similar way as well. A similar request for something else gave me XML but in this case i am gettting ObjectProxy, any idea why?
-----Original Message-----
From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]On Behalf Of Jonas Windey
Sent: Monday, July 10, 2006 6:05 AM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [flexcoders] ArrayCollection as datasource



I’m using a webservice to provide data to a tree but I can’t seem to bind the data. The datatype of my operation is Object (with e4x I get other problems and I’d like to keep it Object for all my operation), and the result looks like this:


result = mx.utils.ObjectProxy (@3977541)

            object = Object (@3967381)

            selectAllDirectoriesResult = mx.utils.ObjectProxy (@3a715c1)

                        object = Object (@3a67521)

                        root = mx.utils.ObjectProxy (@3a71cc1)

                                    node = mx.collections.ArrayCollection (@39222b1)

                                    object = Object (@3a38d01)

                                                node = mx.collections.ArrayCollection (@39222b1)

                                                            [0] = mx.utils.ObjectProxy (@3a71d41)

                                                                        label = "pixco"

                                                                        nbrFiles = "0"

                                                                        object = Object (@3a6de81)

                                                                        uid = "754C8DC3-6ADC-2912-C233-5880843A46A2"

                                                            [1] = mx.utils.ObjectProxy (@3a71d81)

                                                                        label = "pixco_id"

                                                                        nbrFiles = "0"

                                                                        node = mx.utils.ObjectProxy (@3a7f0c1)

                                                                                    label = "test"

                                                                                    nbrFiles = "0"

                                                                                    node = mx.utils.ObjectProxy (@3a7f241)

                                                                                                label = "test2"

                                                                                                nbrFiles = "0"

                                                                                                node = mx.collections.ArrayCollection (@39b5e81)

                                                                                                            [0] = mx.utils.ObjectProxy (@3a7f2c1)

                                                                                                            [1] = mx.utils.ObjectProxy (@3a7f301)

                                                                                                            filterFunction = null

                                                                                                            length = 2 [0x2]

                                                                                                            list = mx.collections.ArrayList (@3a7f341)

                                                                                                            sort = null

                                                                                                            source = Array (@39b5fd1)

                                                                                                object = Object (@3a85041)

                                                                                                uid = "B30C5FD7-96DD-44CB-5D4C-588084459E45"

                                                                                    object = Object (@3a675a1)

                                                                                    uid = "F49EDC31-C665-13C9-BD37-5880843A15D1"

                                                                        object = Object (@3a6daa1)

                                                                        uid = "C5BB5321-B5D8-CB23-4F34-5880843A5850"

                                                            filterFunction = null

                                                            length = 2 [0x2]

                                                            list = mx.collections.ArrayList (@3a7f381)

                                                            sort = null

                                                            source = Array (@3913fa1)

                                                xmlns = ""

                                    uid = "20110C9D-B896-4533-8DA8-5880843AD539"

                                    xmlns = ""

                        uid = "E9D47415-4D66-6E9A-7549-5880843A6DBE"

            uid = "8F8CFE64-86CA-E2F2-4AB3-588084304B1B"

            xmlns = http://tempuri.org/


Now the problem is that the tree only draws the nodes on the first level, and as leafs (so it thinks there are no subnodes), whereas it should draw it like this:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>


<node label="pixco" nbrFiles="0" />

<node label="pixco_id" nbrFiles="0">

<node label="test" nbrFiles="0">

<node label="test2" nbrFiles="0">

<node label="test3" nbrFiles="1" />

<node label="test4" nbrFiles="0" />






Any tips? Thanks a lot.




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