Here's an interesting problem which I hope someone can help me with.

I've just started playing with Flex 2 - release version and have implemented the following:

1. Composite component containing a label and DataGrid in a Vbox

<mx:VBox xmlns:mx="" xmlns:vz="*" width="100%">
          import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
          public var compTitle:String;
          public var compDataProvider:ArrayCollection;
 <mx:Label text="{compTitle}" width="100%" fontSize="18" fontWeight="bold" fontFamily="Arial"/>
 <mx:DataGrid id="grid" dataProvider="{compDataProvider}" width="100%" alternatingItemColors="[#CBDDFE,#FFFFFF]" showHeaders="false"
      dragEnabled="true" dropEnabled="true" dragMoveEnabled="true">
      <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Client" dataField="CUSTOMER"/>
      <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Name" dataField="NAME"/>
       ... etc

2. I have actionscript code in my application file which gets a list of categories from server side and iterates over that list requesting a list of objects (Jobs in this case) for each category from the server side. It then creates one of the above components for each category, adds it to the container (a Vbox) in the Application and gives it the dataProvider containing the relevant info.

So far so good - this works fine...

Now, when I drag a row from the DataGrid in one component to the DataGrid in another, it works fine when the browser is at the top of the page, however if I scroll the browser window down (the Flash Player canvas is bigger than the screen) the dropping gets screwed up. To be more precise, it appears as though the drop target is getting the dragEnter event when the mouse is not actually in the right place. As I scroll the browser window down, the apparent location of the drop target (as seen by the code sending the dragEnter event) is offset to the north of the visible drop Target component. The further down the browser window is scrolled, the more the offset until it just doesn't work at all.

I've tested in both IE6 and Firefox with the same results.

I'm wondering whether anyone else has seen this behaviour - a search of the archives didn't seem to reveal any prior reports.

Thanks for any help you might be able to offer.




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