See Uday,
You can use the contentWidth and contentHeight on the updateComplete event to determine how you want to show your images.
Some ideas could be that you set the visible to false while the images are loading and show them once you've got the logic worked out, as to what and how you want to show them.
Hope this helps,

On 7/15/06, uday kiran <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I hava a problem....

I have diffrent photos with same height but diffrent
width, two set of photo width's, one photoset width is
3 time the other set.

they are jumbled.

Now the problem is when I get small photos i should
display three of them in a row when I get Bigger on I
should display the bigger on only and in a row i can
have ie three small photos or two small photos or one
samll photo or one big photo(placed from left).

how to solve it...

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