holy kow batman!  Thank you Jester!  I'm now fully lost, what book is this stuff you suggested in?  have to read up! 

I will add somehting i just found though....one word  Binding!  ooops!  The below is starting to work.  Just have to figure out the settings used in the DateChooser to get things to work exactly the same.  Maybe make a custom component of just the button to share later.

Thanks again d00d!

<mx:Button  click="onPrev()"
        upSkin="{mx.skins.halo.DateChooserMonthArrowSkin }"
        downSkin="{mx.skins.halo.DateChooserMonthArrowSkin }"
        overSkin="{mx.skins.halo.DateChooserMonthArrowSkin }"
        disabledSkin="{mx.skins.halo.DateChooserMonthArrowSkin }"
        selectedUpSkin="{mx.skins.halo.DateChooserMonthArrowSkin }"
        selectedOverSkin="{mx.skins.halo.DateChooserMonthArrowSkin }"
        selectedDownSkin="{mx.skins.halo.DateChooserMonthArrowSkin }"
        selectedDisabledSkin="{mx.skins.halo.DateChooserMonthArrowSkin }"
        overIcon="{mx.skins.halo.DateChooserMonthArrowSkin }" 
        downIcon="{mx.skins.halo.DateChooserMonthArrowSkin }"
        icon="{mx.skins.halo.DateChooserMonthArrowSkin }"
        disabledIcon="{mx.skins.halo.DateChooserMonthArrowSkin }"
        upIcon="{mx.skins.halo.DateChooserMonthArrowSkin }"


On 7/20/06, JesterXL <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Here G, this should get you started:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx=" http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" layout="vertical" xmlns:local="*">
 <mx:Style source="index.css" />
 <local:NextMonthButton />
 <mx:DateChooser />
 /* ClassReference("mx.skins.halo.DateChooserMonthArrowSkin"); */
 /* ClassReference("mx.skins.halo.DateChooserYearArrowSkin"); */
 /* ClassReference("mx.skins.halo.DateChooserIndicator"); */
 disabledIcon:    ClassReference("mx.skins.halo.DateChooserMonthArrowSkin");
 downIcon:    ClassReference("mx.skins.halo.DateChooserMonthArrowSkin");
 icon:     ClassReference("mx.skins.halo.DateChooserMonthArrowSkin ");
 overIcon:     ClassReference("mx.skins.halo.DateChooserMonthArrowSkin");
 selectedDisabledIcon:  ClassReference("mx.skins.halo.DateChooserMonthArrowSkin");
 selectedDownIcon:   ClassReference("mx.skins.halo.DateChooserMonthArrowSkin");
 selectedOverIcon:   ClassReference("mx.skins.halo.DateChooserMonthArrowSkin");
 selectedUpIcon:   ClassReference("mx.skins.halo.DateChooserMonthArrowSkin");
 upIcon:     ClassReference("mx.skins.halo.DateChooserMonthArrowSkin");
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, July 20, 2006 10:56 AM
Subject: Re: [flexcoders] Flex arrows?

no workie....hope jester's bag of tricks is deep! 

I looked around the Flex SDK source and see no arrow pngs at all, many other pngs though.  My guess is the arrows are compiled in a swc somewheres, which means they should be 'grabable' eh?  Be nice to use any graphics in the SDK in custom components to maintain the 'Flexiness', eh?

What I'm trying to do is create a next/previous month browser.  We have reports that users run on a month end basis, the datechoser is really not the right tool for this.  I'm just using mxml to do this currently...suppose I will have to go off and lear the way of the force for building components soon.


On 7/19/06, JesterXL <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hrm... try:
<mx:Button click="onPrev()" upSkin="mx.skins.halo.DateChooserMonthArrowSkin" />
If that doesn't work, I have more ideas.
The skin is already imported in the defaults.css, so she IS in there.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, July 19, 2006 4:00 PM
Subject: Re: [flexcoders] Flex arrows?

hmm, ok, I'm lost when it comes to fancy UI stuff  :)  How do you make use of this?

<mx:Button  click="onPrev()"
        upSkin="DateChooserMonthArrowSkin" />

throws a def not found error.  Do I import the sckin somehow?


On 7/19/06, JesterXL < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Found these digging in DateChooser.as.  I'm assuming these skins are compiled into the base framework.  Try using like DateChooserMonthArrowSkin as one of your upSkins and see what happens.
 *    nextMonthDisabledSkin="DateChooserMonthArrowSkin"
 *    nextMonthDownSkin="DateChooserMonthArrowSkin"
 *    nextMonthOverSkin="DateChooserMonthArrowSkin"
 *    nextMonthUpSkin="DateChooserMonthArrowSkin"
 *    nextYearDisabledSkin="DateChooserYearArrowSkin"
 *    nextYearDownSkin="DateChooserYearArrowSkin"
 *    nextYearOverSkin="DateChooserYearArrowSkin"
 *    nextYearUpSkin="DateChooserYearArrowSkin"
 *    prevMonthDisabledSkin="DateChooserMonthArrowSkin"
 *    prevMonthDownSkin="DateChooserMonthArrowSkin"
 *    prevMonthOverSkin="DateChooserMonthArrowSkin"
 *    prevMonthUpSkin="DateChooserMonthArrowSkin"
 *    prevYearDisabledSkin="DateChooserYearArrowSkin"
 *    prevYearDownSkin="DateChooserYearArrowSkin"
 *    prevYearOverSkin="DateChooserYearArrowSkin"
 *    prevYearUpSkin="DateChooserYearArrowSkin"
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, July 19, 2006 3:19 PM
Subject: [flexcoders] Flex arrows?

So, I'm creating a custom component with next/previous functionality.  I'd like to use the same arrows on say the DateChooser control.  Are these avaialbale to the developer somehow?


Douglas Knudsen
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