I'm having a similar problem with just changing the width and height of the slider thumb. I tried extending the mx.skins.halo.SliderThumbSkin and setting the width and height values in the constructor like this:

package com.mydomain.view.skins

import mx.skins.halo.SliderThumbSkin;

 *  The skin for all the states of a thumb in a Slider.
public class SliderThumbSkinLarge extends SliderThumbSkin
     *  @private
     *  Constructor.
    public function SliderThumbSkinLarge()


My slider mxml looks like this:
<mx:VSlider thumbDownSkin="com.mydomain.view.skins.SliderThumbSkinLarge" thumbDisabledSkin="com.mydomain.view.skins.SliderThumbSkinLarge"
thumbUpSkin="com.mydomain.view.skins.SliderThumbSkinLarge" thumbOverSkin="com.mydomain.view.skins.SliderThumbSkinLarge"
tickInterval="1" snapInterval="1" ...etc/>

but I can't seem to get it to work. Any help with my skinning implementation or a solution that avoids skinning is much appreciated.


--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "Manish Jethani" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 4/3/06, Sreejith Unnikrishnan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > Is it possible to rotate the VSlider so that the thumbs face to the right
> > than to the default left?
> 2.0?
> Create a new skin extending mx.skins.halo.SliderThumbSkin. In the
> constructor, set its scaleX to -1. And assign this skin to the
> "thumbOverSkin", "thumbDownSkin", etc., styles.
> Manish

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