Hi Marcelo,

The best resource (I think) is Roger Gonzalez at:


This is a very needed topic when plan to build large applications. So it's imperative to continue researching the best way to get multi-module apps in a productive and easy way.

Hope you get that link useful. If you know more links please, post here.



On 8/21/06, Marcelo de Moraes Serpa < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

With Flash, I used to develop my RIA in the following way:

- Each ARP form in it's own .SWF file;
- Each common/shared class library in it's own SWF file
- MTASC Exclude files applied to every SWF file being compiled but the class libraries SWF files;
- RSL to share common visual controls and assets across these multiple movies.

These techniques together, while hard to implement and mantain, gave a nice framework on with the required resources were  (hopefully) downloaded only when needed. I were kind of happy with it. Now, I switched to the Flex 2 framework, I see that many of these concepts changed due to the better architecture of the framework and new features of AS3 and AVM2. However, I still find it useful (and sometimes fundamental) to create multi-movie (SWF) apps and load these "sections/forms" only when needed, or when the user requests it, instead of packing the whole application in one big SWF file. How could I implement such thing on Flex 2? Is there any tutorial or article around that could point me to the right direction?

Thanks in advance,


::| Carlos Rovira
::| http://www.carlosrovira.com __._,_.___

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