1) set interactive to false on both series. When a series is set to interactive=false, it doesn't show datatips at all.
2) set the mouse sensitivity to some very large number on the chart.
3) add a rollOver and rollOut handler to each series. on rollOver, set interactive on that series to true. on rollOut, set it to false.
That should do the trick.

From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Mark
Sent: Monday, August 28, 2006 2:21 PM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [flexcoders] Re: How can I tell an AreaChart data tip to display?

Thanks for your reply Brian. I want to raise the nearest DataTip
anytime the mouse is over a Series in an AreaChart. So if I have an
AreaChart with two Series (A and B) it's possible that the mouse would
be closest to a DataPoint in Series A, but technically over Series B
so I want it to show the closest DataTip from Series B. The
combination of showDataTips and mouseSensitivity didn't seem to offer
what I'm looking for.

I'm using my own AreaSeries class that captures the mouse events for
the entire series, and using the findDataPoints method I can even
determine which data point from that series is closest to the mouse.
Unfortunately, I can't seem to figure out how to get a reference to
the DataTip for that data point and tell it to display itself. I know
the DataTip object has a visible property that I can set, but I just
don't see how to get to the DataTip object itself.

The findDataPoints method returns an array of HitData objects,
although it seems that at least for the AreaChart it returns only one
-- the closest. The HitData has a reference to the ChartItem
(AreaSeriesItem in this case) but I don't see anything there that
looks like it would give me access to the DataTip. The HitData also
has an id property (Number) that may give me access if I knew who the
parent of the DataTip was -- but I don't.

Of course, I'm assuming that it can be done at all. Thanks again for



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