I'm in the very early stages of getting Xray's connector ported over the AS3 and the first step has been to get the new Logger up and running.  So far, it's working great and I've included an OutputPanel.mxml that users can include it in their app if they don't want to use the xray interface ( plus, i've not implemented log level switching with xray's interface yet ).



some featurues:
1.  log level support (debug, info, warn, error, fatal)
2.  time stamp
3.  Calling method is reported
4.  objects are recursed
5.  outputs to Xray's interface if you have it running

OutputPanel features (not necessary for running logger):
1.  runtime log level control
2.  Resizeable (drag lower right corner)
3.  Window shade by double clicking header of OutputPanel's header area
4.  Search

copy com.blitzagency.xray.logger  into your classes/src folder

if you want to use the OutputPanel (optional):
copy OutputPanel.mxml to your src folder or where ever your main app is.

Add this line to your app:
<ns1:OutputPanel id="outputPanel"/>

Add this property to your mx:Application node:

Using it in your app:
import com.blitzagency.xray.logger.XrayLog;
public var log:XrayLog;
log = new XrayLog();
log.debug(message:String [, dump:object]);
log.info(message:String [, dump:object]);
log.warn(message:String [, dump:object]);
log.error(message:String [, dump:object]);
log.fatal(message:String [, dump:object]);

I've included the FlashDevelop project in the zip.  I would love suggestions/comments on implementation and features.  Right now, it doesn't color code the output based on the log level, but that is something I'm looking into.

Anyway, if anyone wants to give it a whirl, I'd really appreciate the feedback,



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