Hi Bill,
Thanks for the heads-up. I'll check out the articles.
It seems to me that as well as the stuff I've seen out there for Flex, a demo app  using FDS showing how to tackle the issues of multiple clients updating a database concurrently would be cool (if not overdue). If there's already one out there let me know (haven't checked your links yet).
I'd also like to see how people approach this without FDS too..
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, September 16, 2006 11:48 AM
Subject: [flexcoders] Re: Data synchronisation tip and tricks?

Hi Paul -

Sounds like you've been doing this "database design" thing for a while.  I'm very glad to see this topic being discussed.  The topic which we're on -  "Data Synchronization"  - does currently have some discussions around them (in the form of white papers and blog posts) that I think everybody on this thread should become familiar with to help in getting a better and broader picture of what exactly Flex Data Management Services is and what it was designed to solve.

This article was written by Jeff Vroom, Software Architect working on Flex Data Services  http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/flexcoders/message/50090.  You and the others like you on this thread – folks that are interested in more complex multi-user database systems -  are exactly the folks that we're hoping to engage.  Flex Data Management Services was written just for you!  A couple of  excerpts from the article:

"Layered on top of those basic client/server communication facilities, the Flex Data Management Services framework provides rich and robust data management facilities in a client/server environment."

"Flex Data Management Services helps solve these problems by making it easy to synchronize data between client and server tiers without compromising the end-user experience, the integrity of the data, or the scalability and performance of the application. By eliminating the RPC wrappers, Data Management Services enables you to replicate server objects to the client, detects changes you make to these objects, and propagates these changes to the server where a server-side data adapter handles them. One type of adapter is the Java Adapter, which communicates these changes to your Java back end or updates your database. Data Management Services also supports an in-memory ActionScript adapter and an adapter that directly supports a hibernate data model."

 Another important "something that you should know"  article, written by Ben Forta (ColdFusion Evangelist), is here at  http://www.adobe.com/devnet/coldfusion/articles/fr_fds.html 

This article discusses, in particular, some reasons why you'd want to build applications utilizing FDS vs.  applications built with RemoteObject method invocations AND compares both these methodologies and approaches to building RIAs with multi-user consideration.  Here are a couple of excerpts the article.

"What makes FDS really compelling is the fact that it allows for a real bidirectional connection between the server and the client-side Flash application.  What does this mean? Consider the following scenarios:

  • Your charting applications (powered by ColdFusion-supplied data) need to display live data with changes to that data as they occur. You could use a timer in Flash and poll for new data every n seconds, but what you really want is for the server to just push new data to the client whenever there is any.
  • Your <mx:DataGrid> displays results from a database search, but that data could be stale and you would never know it. What you want is for data changes to be immediately reflected on the screen of any clients that happen to be looking at that data (and not those who are not, obviously).
  • Your database front end allows users to insert, update, and delete database records. Your old web version of the application allowed users to select a record for editing and then submit it to be saved. But what if two users edited the same record at once? Most likely, you just save changes as save requests occur, so the last update always wins. That may (or may not) be appropriate in a web application that displays a single record and refreshes pages frequently. But in a client-server type application, where lost rows may be redisplayed at once and pages never really refresh, the chances of overwriting on someone else's edits are high. An ideal way is to manage data synchronization and conflict resolution. "

 "Data synchronization: This is the ability to safely handle concurrent access to back-end data, tracking data changes, and safely handle conflict resolution. No more last-edit-overwrites-any-prior-edit mishaps; you can write code that ties in to back-end data and talks to the Flash client, providing real end-to-end data synchronization. Instead of the client talking to a CFC directly that in turn talks to a back-end database, when using FDS and data synchronization, the client talks to FDS, which in turn talks to a back end (ColdFusion and the database). FDS, which sits in the middle, can arbitrate requests, monitoring for conflicts and alerting the client of conflicts when they occur. "

I think that I have a unique perspective  on this subject matter having worked on both the ColdFusion team as lead quality engineer and currently on the Flex Data Services team.  I'll be checking back on this thread for updates on the discourse!

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "Paul Andrews" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> To be honest, this is old-hat for database programmers, yet it's rarely
> discussed in Flex/Flash circles and largely ignored in most web discussion.
> Things tend to move up a notch in complexity once you have to consider
> multiple users and databases.
> Usually I tend to favour optimistic locking schemes on the database since
> they don't cause problems with interactive users (send me a PM and I'll try
> and explain it if you aren't already aware).
> The real issue is that potentially with multiple users (with or without a
> database) data can be changing data underfoot, so there are a few issues.
> 1) protecting data from unprotected updates that would lose or corrupt data;
> 2) keeping the user interface updated with changes made by other
> users/processes (which means merging the new data with what's already
> presented to the user)
> Using flags in a database to indicate what's going on in the user interface
> is to be avoided. The particular danger with flag setting in a database to
> indicate what's happening in the user interface is that there will be cases
> where the user interface will not complete it's work leaving the database
> with flags set indicating some operation is happening when it isn't.
> This could be a long discussion..
> I was hoping for a few war stories or snappy techniques.
> Paul
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "jbeck_sound" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
> Sent: Thursday, September 14, 2006 4:32 PM
> Subject: [flexcoders] Re: Data synchronisation tip and tricks?
> > Very good topic! I'm working on a RIA using Flex that deals with a
> > similar situation for an online ticketing system. Imagine two or more
> > folks selecting the same seat and wanting to purchase a ticket for it.
> > Essentially this is collision bound, unless it is being handled carefully.
> >
> > I see two solutions:
> >
> > a) Use Flex Data Services and it's real-time features of updating
> > clients with the latest status on a specific room (in your scenario).
> > This will not completely eliminate the possibility that both customers
> > want to book the room at the exact same time. However, it will cut it
> > down quite significantly. Of course, there is some additional stuff
> > going on that we would have to take into consideration.
> >
> > b) Use flags in the database records for each room as to its
> > availability and return a response to a customer when the booking is
> > committed. If someone else has beat them to it, then an error would be
> > returned, eventually halting the rest of the transaction based on the
> > fact that the room now is no longer available.
> >
> > This is a very birds-eye view of what would need to happen, at least
> > in my mind. There may be other approaches and solutions to this
> > problem and I would be interested to hear them!
> >
> > Jurgen
> >
> > --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "Paul Andrews" ac297@ wrote:
> > >
> > > Most of the traffic conversation here seems to revolve around
> > applications
> > > that are essentially read-only or are behaving as though they are single
> > > user.
> > >
> > > Any tips and tricks to be found regarding the synchronisation of
> > data in a
> > > multi-user application involving a database.
> > >
> > > For example (since hotel booking is a prominent example in the RIA
> > world),
> > > lets suppose I have two customers (Customer A and Cust B) trying to
> > book the
> > > same hotel room on the same day. Both see it as free in the RIA, Cust A
> > > books it and now the other must know about it too, so effectively then
> > > that's a straight refresh of Cust B display and the aborting of the
> > booking
> > > in progress.
> > >
> > > Lets suppose my application allows Cust B to mark several days of room
> > > bookings and (s)he has to hit 'book now' to commit to the booking. While
> > > this is going on 'Cust A' has booked one of those days, so now I
> > must merge
> > > the updated database with the on-screen representation, so it's no
> > longer a
> > > straight replacement of the application display from the database, we're
> > > having to merge.
> > >
> > > Perhaps I'd best not even mention database locking and handling that
> > in a
> > > RIA.
> > >
> > > Get the idea? I appreciate this isn't entirely Flex specific.
> > >
> > > If there are tips and tricks/best practices in this area with regard to
> > > Flex, I'd like to know about them before I re-invent the wheel!
> > >
> > > Paul
> > >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > --
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> > FAQ: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/flexcoders/files/flexcodersFAQ.txt
> > Search Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/flexcoders%40yahoogroups.com
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> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >


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