A long way around would be to store the items in a database then retrieve back into the users session on the next RPC call. This may not be feasible in some cases but that’s the best idea I can offer at this time. I ran into this exact problem a couple of months back. If you could please submit this issue via support …it may help garner momentum in getting us a fix sooner rather than later. J




From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:flexcoders@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of Jason McWilliams
Sent: Saturday, September 16, 2006 6:42 PM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: RE: [flexcoders] FileReference (upload) session cookie problems


I am getting this exact same behavior.   Does anyone have an answer for this?


It seems that the Flex app within Firefox will maintain one session for an Upload request and a different session for a get request back to the server.  Within the same application you can do multiple posts/gets and uploads and it keeps the same session, but a different one for posts/gets and uploads.   It is as if the browser has two session going on.


The bad thing here is that it practically makes an upload application useless if a person has logged in via the web site.   When they do an upload, the web site will not recognize the sessionid as logged in and it will not work.


Also, adding a session id like jsessionid to the URL of the upload most likely will not work if the server thinks the browser is accepting cookies, which it is.


Any ideas here?  If this is a bug that can’t be worked around, it is a real problem for us.   We can’t make our users only use Internet Explorer.





From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]ups.com [mailto:flexcoders@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of Richard Druce
Sent: Wednesday, August 30, 2006 10:13 PM
Subject: [flexcoders] FileReference (upload) session cookie problems



I've been playing around with Flex 2 to upload images to my web application. I'm using a cookie to maintain a session (it contains a session_id) and when I upload the file, it is behaving strangely using Flash player 9. In Internet Explorer 6.0, a new session will be created, meaning that the cookie wasn't passed with the POST and  this session will be used for future GET requests. In Mozilla Firefox 1.5, a new session will be created that will be used for future file uploads, but the GET requests will use the old session still, so it looks like two client cookies are being maintained. Any help or tips to get around this problem would be greatly appreciated, I'm using ruby on rails on the server side so cookies are my preferred option for maintaining session state - passing it as a URL parameter is a little messy.



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