I have a hunk of XML that I have loaded into an XMLListCollection.  It describes a training course catalog.  I'm trying to write a function to return the title of a course when passed the "KeyID" of a specific course instance, and am running into all sorts of problems (it ain't working being the worst of them).

Here's the XML:

<trainingEvent keyID="1" title="Programming 101" eventCost="499.99"
<trainingEventInstance keyID="1" trainingEventID="1" location="Houston" eventDate="02/11/2007" instanceCost="499.99"
<trainingEventInstance keyID="2" trainingEventID="1" location="Houston" eventDate="04/19/2007" instanceCost="499.99"
<trainingEventInstance keyID="3" trainingEventID="1" location="Las Vegas" eventDate="04/19/2007" instanceCost="299.99"
<trainingEvent keyID="2" title="Miter Saw Safety" eventCost="300.00"
<trainingEventInstance keyID="4" trainingEventID="2" location="Houston" eventDate="12/25/2006" instanceCost="300.00"

... it's loaded into an XMLListCollection called myCollection using HTTP service with resultFormat=e4x

I'm trying to ignore the trainingEventID attribute, since it might be going away.  I was trying to do some e4x magik to find the title like this, where the parameter is the KeyID of the trainingEventInstance:

public function getCourseTitle( instanceID:Number ):String {
   return myCollection.source.trainingEvent.trainingEventInstance.(@keyID == instanceID).parent()[EMAIL PROTECTED];

so when the function is passed 4, it returns "Miter Saw Safety"

Am I doing something wrong?  Can I not e4x using the "source" property?  Any thoughts?  Thanks!



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