This is a major contribution from Adobe to the open-source community, but let me try to clarify what it is and what is isn't. The code being open-sourced is for the core AS3 language, not for anything specific to Flash. The contributed engine is able to execute a program that uses core classes of the language like Array, Date, RegExp, and XML. It is not be able to execute a program that use Flash-specific classes like Sprite, TextField, SharedObject, or URLLoader. In particular it supports no Flash graphics.
Mozilla will use this engine by adding browser-DOM classes such as Window, Document, Form, Anchor, etc., which are the "domain objects" that a browser manipulates, in the same way that Flash uses this engine by adding classes for its domain objects such as Sprites. Once this is done, webapp developers will be able to use AS3/ES4 as a fast, type-checked, object-oriented "_javascript_" if they want to.
So this has nothing to do with putting Flash into Firefox. Firefox users will still require the Flash plugin to run SWFs. But contributing a high-performance virtual machine for a type-checked, object-oriented language is still a big deal!
- Gordon

From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of jrunrandy
Sent: Tuesday, November 07, 2006 5:28 AM
Subject: [flexcoders] Re: Tamarin, Adobe open source the Flash player ?

Here is my understanding:

Adobe is not open sourcing the Flash Player. Adobe *is* contributing
source code for the ActionScript Virtual Machine, the scripting
language engine component within Flash Player. ActionScript 3.0 runs
on the Tamarin virtual machine in Flash Player 9.

I'm sure there are others who can clarify this further.

Randy Nielsen
Flex Documentation Manager


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