Oops...   that's what I get for sending email @ 5 am. the actual blog site
is of course not .com but .org ...  my bad.


Please direct all feedback to there.  Thanks!

On 11/30/06, Clint Modien <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

   I created an aggregation of developer content searchable via a few
Google custom search engines (CSE) to help the development community find
the answers to questions quicker.  It's located at:

http://flexsearch.org   Feedback appreciated.

I want to be clear that this is a community based project.  I'll be
posting the site list in xml format so that you can see what sites are in
and what sites aren't in.  That way I can get feedback on what other sites
the CSE should be aggregating.

Basically… If you hate it tell me why.  I'll fix it.  If you love it tell
me why we'll keep it that way.  You can tell me why via the blog.

If you have ideas post comments on the blog I setup @


*Clint Modien*


p. 1.877.TRY.ESRIA ext 706

c. 1.408.489.0750

f. 1.877.828.4436


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