??? I guess I'll stay away from the rich text editor my post came
through blank. My drop downs are populated form the database as well
as the database query that is decided what drop down index is
selected. The following is the approach I took.

var <Cursor>:IViewCursor = <Drop down dataProvider>.createCursor();
while(!<Cursor>.afterLast && <Cursor>.current.<Some ID To match>!= 
<Main Data Base Query ArrayCollection results>
.getItemAt(this.selectedRecordIndex).<Some ID To Match>)
{<Drop Down ID>.selectedItem = <Cursor>.current;}
{<Drop Down ID>.selectedIndex = -1;}

The else statement combined with a required field validation will
highlight the drop down with the error if for any reason there is a
mismatch. While in most cases this shouldn't happen it is a nice
notification if you need it.

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