Hi Rajesh,

When you say that the object is moved or disappears when you drop it on the application, is that because you haven't set up event handlers to receive the dropped data?

There are at least two methods you could use to remove the drag operation.

1. Do a test in the method that initiates the drag to see if the target is 'eligible' to be dragged.

2. Remove the event handler from the object when it is dropped on the canvas.


On 05/12/2006, at 12:34 AM, raju_bb wrote:

Hi people,
I am using flex 2..i m creating an application using Drag n Drop
Manager.I have a main Application which has a small library kind of
module similar to Flash Library.This library will contain all the
images in it..Now what i want is to drag images from that library and
place it on the stage or my canvas of my application.This part is
working well but once i drop it on the main application(canvas) the
object from the library gets moved/disappear.After i have dropped the
target application is there any way to remove the drag operation on
that dropped object.
How to go for this..Can anyone help me out with this..

Rajesh Bhadra

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