
There are a couple of different issues here.

First, why do you need to get a reference to the other view? If it is in order to access or manipulate the data therein, the better approach is to bind both views into some dataProvider and manipulate the data through that.

Second, the reason you can't address the sub-components at compile time is that they are not part of the canvas class (they are children of your instance). Notwithstanding the above paragraph, if you still need to access them this way, you might want to define your own subclass component with these child properties, so Flex Builder can find them at compile time.

Finally, just a guess but perhaps dgselectedOptions is null at runtime because at the time your function is executing, that component has not yet been initialised. Check the creationPolicy of the tab navigator.


On 05/12/2006, at 5:19 PM, michrx7 wrote:

How does one go about referencing objects on another canvas? For
example I have a tab navigator with 4 tabs:
Payment Options

Inside the attendees tab I have a canvas: csAttendee with a datagrid:

When the user submits the "pay" button on the payment options tab I
call a function to validate their input and try and reference the
columns array for the datagrid dgselectedOptions.

Using csAttendee.dgselectedOptions gives me an error when I try to
compile of "Access of possibly undefined property dgselectedOptions
through a reference with static type mx.containers:Canvas."

If I try Attendees.csAttendee.dgselectedOptions gives me "Access of
possibly undefined property csAttendee through a reference with
static type mx.containers:Canvas."

If I try just dgselectedOptions it compiles, but when I click my
payment button it gives: "Cannot access a property or method of a
null object reference." Even though I can click on the Attendees tab
and the datagrid is there and populated.

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