Hi rg,


Here is a description of my process:

Step 1: I created a new Actionscript project.
Step 2: I wrote the meta data into the as file designated as the
Default Application.

This has no effect, and as you've outlined, the tag must be defined
before the root class definition. I've deduced from this that the
Default Application is not the root class.

Could you guide me further?



--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "Roger Gonzalez" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Because Flex always creates a root class for the SWF, the [SWF] metadata
> must be attached to (i.e. immediately before) the root class definition.
> The parameters may not be documented, as they're pretty much intended
> for code generated by the compiler from MXML source.  End users are
> encouraged to use the compiler flags (i.e. on the command line) to set
> the values for AS, or to use root tag attributes from MXML.
> (For what its worth, I think you have the entire set we support at the
> moment.)
> -rg
> ________________________________
>       From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of h8me4everplus1
>       Sent: Tuesday, December 05, 2006 6:49 AM
>       To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
>       Subject: [flexcoders] SWF Meta Data
>       Hey guys, I really like the idea of defining my SWF parameters
> for AS
>       projects right at the main script file for actionscript files,
> but I
>       have two problems:
>       1, wish it worked, my source:
>       package {
>       [SWF(width="500", height="500", backgroundColor="#ffffff",
>       frameRate="40")]
>       That's it, just defining the SWF parameters at the package
> level.
>       2, wish I knew where to look for the available parameters, does
> anyone
>       know where it's documented?
>       Sincerely,
>       Elibol

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