WS-Security is not supported by Flex out of the box. Has anyone
tackled this, or if not could someone give a high-level view of how
they might accomplish this? I can't seem to create a user in the Adobe
forums to post it to find out if this might be added in upcoming
support point release???

My thoughts on topic:
1) Manual creation of the SOAP Headers will not work because the token
has a set expiration time based on timestamp, username, password.
Building that logic up in the client app would expose the credentials
in the .swf.

2) Using Axis to create a proxy of the true WS-Secure web service
might be viable, but seems dumb to create a web service wrapper for an
already exposed web service. Plus, my knowledge on the java side is
limited and the googles on Eclipse WTP and doing this haven't yielded
much more than a headache.

3) With the FDS Plugin facet for Eclipse WTP in theory I can code both
java and mxml / as3 into one. If that is the case could I write a
component (SecureWS) to extend mx.rpc.soap.WebService to add the WSS4J
functionality I'm after. The user / pass parameters would then be
stored as part of the named proxy service on FDS. Everything secure
and connective.

Also something I'd happily share back to the community if I can get
some help on how I'd tackle #3.


[Thread History]
In a previous thread that was in danger of being fragmented, Seth
Hodgson wrote, "WSSAddUsernameToken is part of the WSS4J API that
implements the OASIS WS-Security spec. The Flex web service stack on
the client doesn't currently support WS-Security out of the box, but
WS-Security is based on SOAP headers and you could probably build
these manually. Perhaps someone on the list has tackled this and has
code to share?"

It was in response to my question, "One of the next web services I'm
looking to integrate uses a username / password to create token via
WSSAddUsernameToken. Its package is Or
so the co-worker who has built connectivity to that out through J2EE
tells me.
Each client system connects with it's own user / pass combo. So I
believe I should be able to write these into the named proxy web
service connection (having issue with that also, put a separate post
out for it) on FDS to be secure.

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