Hi All,

  I have a base class I use for models (ModelBase, original eh?) that
contains a 'set' function.  set(source:Model) - it simply copies
fields from the source model to 'this'.  Works great, except I'm not
sure how to let everyone know the model changed.

  The base class currently uses dispatchEvent(new
Event("ModelChanged")) to signal the change. Since I import
flash.events.*, I'm guessing this throws a flash.events.Event.

  Derived classes don't throw any events.

  Application code has:

 [Bindable (event="ModelChanged")]
 private var _model:DerivedClass;

and getter/setter for model.  The setter also uses dispatchEvent(new

Problem is, the setter in the application code trips the event
listener I added...
but set() in the base class doesn't cause it to fire..

Anyone have any ideas what the problem might be?

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