As a point of interest also, there is a great article about this on
the blog of Peter Ent. It's exactly what you are looking for. He has
some great info on there.

Link is:

Scroll down a little and you'll see part II in the series. You can
find part two from there.

--- In, "wayneposner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm trying to drag-and-drop from a tree to a datagrid.  I've followed
> the examples to try to achieve this, but whenever I drag over the
> datagrid, it refuses to accept the drop.  The datagrid acts like the
> dropEnabled flag is set to false.  I've traced the code and despite
> the fact that I have a custom dragEnter handler, it still executes the
> handler found in which cancels out my handler.
> Does anyone know what would cause this?  Thanks!
> My Handler is as follows:
> private function onDragEnter( event:DragEvent ) : void
> {
> DragManager.acceptDragDrop(UIComponent(event.currentTarget));
> }

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