
If the object somehow based on an EventDispatcher then while listening to
response from your remote call:

pulbic function get someField() : Object {
   return _someField;

private function responseHandler(result : Object) : void {
   _someField = result; // or another result handling
   dispatchEvent(new Event("someFieldChange")); // or custom event

Or it can be binded trough getter/setter without direct event dispatching.


On 12/18/06, Daniel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

  Hi All!

This time I'm having problems with an object that I can't actually
"bind" to because it is updated with a Web Service and it takes a
while to get the information some other object needs, due to the
asynchronous call. Is there a way to add an listener to this object
that as soon as it changes its content its dispatches an event so
other objects can start pointing to attributes in that object?.

Hope I made myself clear...

Thanks in Advance!

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