I would suggest looking at what google does. It allows and/or searches 
in a completely unobstrusive manner. I would use only one search field, 
with the following algo:

1. split on 'OR'
2. split on words
3. join on words with AND
4. join on words with OR

I would definitely search on all fields in your table.

In split on words you might want to take into account words in 
double-quotes. Also I would use LIKE everywhere.


Mike Anderson a écrit :
> Hello All,
> I was wondering how you more seasoned SQL programmers (as it relates to
> the User Interface side of things), provide the ability of advanced SQL
> Queries to novice users - but in a "easy to use" and "non-threatening"
> manner?
> We have an extensive parts database, and the only way to truly search
> this thing, is by giving users the ability to perform robust "and", "or"
> as well as "and/or" type queries.
> Back in the HTML days, I would simply give the users 4 sets of blanks,
> in which they could put in 4 unique sets of search criteria - with "And"
> or "Or" in a DropDown box.
> This worked well enough I guess... but for the power-users, who wanted
> to perform more advanced queries - with more than 4 search criteria, I
> was always in a quandary as to what to do. There is a fine line between
> functionality and usability, especially when it comes to Data-Driven
> applications that are very "Text Intensive".
> With Flex having the ability to offer such spectacular user interfaces,
> I was wondering what techniques I could use NOW, that could offer a
> truly powerful user experience - but still *keeping it simple*.
> I would love to hear some input regarding this topic -
> Thanks in advance for all your help,
> Mike

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