that's the only docs I found so far on this.  Aside from that are tidbits in
the flexcoders archive, so basically I'm left to hack out a solution instead
of understanding one.  We REALLY need a technote on how to get this going
with full explanations.  The Flex doc team did a outstanding job in my
opinion, but this area is sorely lacking.  Unless of course its hidden from
my sight!

Now, I got SSL working for AMF calls by using this channel definition ONLY
in my services-config.xml file.
       <channel-definition id="my-cfamf" class="

So, I can use this to force SSL use.  Is it possible to modify the above to
allow me to use either non SSL or SSL letting the web server force SSL use?
Why?  Cause I need to be able to compile and run the SWF on a dev box that
has no SSL for testing first.  Do I need to have two services-config.xml to
compile against, one for dev one for prod?


On 1/9/07, João Fernandes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 To be honest Douglas, I never saw anywhere documentation about secured
endpoint for a cf destination.

Are you pointing your endpoint to /flex2gateway ?

What are your secure and non secure endpoints(my-cfamf and

João Fernandes

*From:* [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] *On
Behalf Of *Douglas Knudsen
*Sent:* 09 January 2007 22:22
*Subject:* [flexcoders] Re: Flex, RemoteObject calls, ColdFusion, and SSL

this is what is showing in a cfusion-out.log file.  Looks like its trying
to connect, then dies.

[Flex] 01/09/2007 17:20:08.657 [INFO] [Endpoint.General] Channel endpoint
my-secure-cfamf received request.
[Flex] 01/09/2007 17:20: 08.657 [DEBUG] [Endpoint.AMF] Deserializing
AMF/HTTP request
Version: 3
  (Message #0 targetURI=null, responseURI=/1)
    (Array #0)
      [0] = (Typed Object #0 'flex.messaging.messages.CommandMessage')
        messageRefType = null
        operation = 5
        correlationId = ""
        timeToLive = 0
        body = (Object #1)
        clientId = null
        messageId = "5841B70D-681C-757D-8C51-08F26FA3CF5E"
        headers = (Object #2)
        destination = ""
        timestamp = 0

[Flex] 01/09/2007 17:20:08.657 [DEBUG] [Message.Command.cluster_request]
Executed command: (default service)
  commandMessage: Flex Message ( flex.messaging.messages.CommandMessage)
    operation = cluster_request
    messageRefType = null
    clientId = 25D7D0AD-C11D-EF62-3FC9-B6943B9FCD0E
    correlationId =
    destination =
    messageId = 5841B70D-681C-757D-8C51-08F26FA3CF5E
    timestamp = 1168381208657
    timeToLive = 0
    body = {}
  replyMessage: Flex Message (flex.messaging.messages.AcknowledgeMessage)
    clientId = 25D7D0AD-C11D-EF62-3FC9-B6943B9FCD0E
    correlationId = 5841B70D-681C-757D-8C51-08F26FA3CF5E
    destination = null
    messageId = 25D7D0AD-C128-3443-EB35-12AF60EA8684
    timestamp = 1168381208657
    timeToLive = 0
    body = null

[Flex] 01/09/2007 17:20:08.657 [DEBUG] [Endpoint.AMF] Serializing AMF/HTTP
Version: 3
  (Message #0 targetURI=/1/onResult, responseURI=)
    (Typed Object #0 'flex.messaging.messages.AcknowledgeMessage')
      destination = null
      headers = (Object #1)
      correlationId = "5841B70D-681C-757D-8C51-08F26FA3CF5E"
      messageId = "25D7D0AD-C128-3443-EB35-12AF60EA8684"
      timestamp = 1.168381208657E12
      clientId = "25D7D0AD-C11D-EF62-3FC9-B6943B9FCD0E"
      timeToLive = 0.0
      body = null

On 1/9/07, *Douglas Knudsen* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Can anyone point me to definitive documentation for setting this up?  I
have a cluster of CF instances in a production environment, I'm running IIS
with SSL, and I can't get my Flex remoteobject calls to work.

Douglas Knudsen
this is my signature, like it?

Douglas Knudsen
this is my signature, like it?

Douglas Knudsen
this is my signature, like it?

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