I've been building some Pivot / OLAP experiments on the side, and gotten
pretty far without doing any custom modifications to the default
charting components.  The result isn't _exactly_ what you're looking
for...in my example, each label along the X axis was a multi-line label
with each line representing a value from one of the N dimensions
(columns) stacked along the X axis.  With an added labelFunction, I was
able to eliminate the redundant labels and only show them when they're
different from the previous label. So it looked something like this:
Product:   Electronics  Clothing  Produce    Electronics   Clothing
Produce Electronics Clothing Produce ...
Quarter:    Q1                                           Q2
Q3 ...
It's not the prettiest axis in the world, but it get the info across.
To do something really well tuned for Pivot/OLAP, you'll need to write a
custom axis renderer  But that may be all you need to write.
p.s. oo man, not sure I love the name Chartman ;)  Charts are really
only my night job...


From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of leds usop
Sent: Thursday, January 11, 2007 11:21 PM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [flexcoders] PIVOT CHART (&table) .

HI All, (Especially hi to Chartman Ely ahem. :))

We have a current project which requires a datagrid to
have filter and pivot table capabilities on top of the
sort capability. Using that custom datagrid's pivot
table functionality will be based on using MS Excel's
pivot table. OUr problem however is not on the table
but on the chart that is supposedly generated from the
pivot table. A pivot chart can have multi-level
horizontal labels and tick marks (for those not
familiar with pivot table chart, if you have say, a
chain of 3 row categories with 3 non-numeric values
for each, the x-axis will be divided primarily by the
3 values from the first category - then each of those
values will be subvidivided by the number of values
the second category have and so on - sort of a
fractal/recursive/pyramiding behavior). So with all
that said and knowing that we are to use stacked bar
chart mean time (although we will probably be required
to support the other chart types as well) what is the
best way to go about this? Should we play around with
the horizontal axis renderer alone? OR should we
sublass the whole chart? Or is the data drawing canvas
(with custom components inside) the best way to do
this? Any suggestion will be greatly appreciated. Thnx !

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