This is what I do:

1) create a new Flex Project in Flex Builder

2) right-click on the flex project and select Team -> Share Project

3) choose SVN

4) either create new repository location or use existing (up to you)

5) choose 'specified folder name' and type:
projectname /trunk

6) follow the prompts fro her - which allow you to choose what to commit and what to exclude.

This approach has work pretty well for me. Not sure if it is the correct way though.

I create the branches & tags folders directly in the SVN later when I need them.

- kevin

On Jan 15, 2007, at 7:25 AM, Jerome Clarke a.k.a sinatosk wrote:

This is what I do when I come to create a new Flex project using Adobe Flex Builder and Subversion

- I create a temporary directory and inside that directory I create 3 more called 'branches', 'trunk' and 'tags'

- I create a Flex project for example "Gallery"

- I then create a new repository in subversion

- I then copy only the source code files ( 'mxml' and 'as' ) into the 'trunk' directory which is in the temporary directory I created earlier

- I then import the tempoaray directory into my new repository

- I then delete the temporary directory

- I then setup the repository in the Flex builder and check it out again creating the same project again but ends with " SVN" for example "Gallery SVN"

- I then delete the project "Gallery"

thats it :p

How do you do yours when you first start a Flex project along with subversion. I'm interested/curious/wondering :p

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