I'd like to have each image within my repeater appear after a random
pause. In the script below all images currently appear at once. Any
ideas how I can adapt it so each image appears after a random time?

<mx:Sequence id="bounceIn">
  <mx:Pause duration="{randRange(500,4000)}"/>          
  <mx:Zoom zoomHeightFrom="0.01" zoomWidthFrom="0.01"
        zoomHeightTo="1.0" zoomWidthTo="1.0"
        duration="1200" easingFunction="{Elastic.easeOut}"/>
<mx:Repeater id="r" dataProvider="{badgeData}>
    <mx:Image source="assets/{r.currentItem.image}" 
        x="{randRange(50,800)}" y="{randRange(50,500)}"

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