So now I'm trying to make several httpservice requests, populating
comboboxes and other items, the thing is that they all depend on what
data is selected in the other comboboxes.

We have 3 comboboxes A B C

First to get data is A from a httpservice, when that is populated,
combobox B should make a post using the selected value (first value)
from combobox A. This also applies to combobox C.

Then if A changes (close="update_combos()") it should make B and C
reload the data, using the new value from A.

How can I do this ?

I tried something like this - but obviously it wont work:

<mx:HTTPService id="xmlEdition"
url = "http://localhost/xml/xml.asp";
showBusyCursor="true" method="POST" result="editionHandler(event)">

<mx:HTTPService id="xmlSales"
url = "http://localhost/xml/xml.asp";
showBusyCursor="true" method="POST" result="salesHandler(event)">

Any help or maybe even some Tutorials out there I could use ??


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