I tried the following:

private function readyModule(evt:Event):void
   modResult = new Object;
   modResult = modMyModule2.child as IResults;
   if (modResult.searchResults==null){trace("NULL!");}
   else{trace("NOT NULL!");}
   modResult.searchResults = arrSearchResults;

but it crashes at the 'if' statement with "Cannot access a property or
method of a null object reference"....

I'm not sure what you mean though by "Also if you are using an
Interface you need to reference the Interface within both the
Application and the Module."  I have the interface referenced in the
second module via 'implements="IResults"', but do I need another
reference in the calling module besides

var ichild:* = modMyModule2.child as IResults;
ichild.searchResults = arrSearchResults;

??  The documentation doesn't seem to state anything regarding
referencing the interface in the application other than this...

Thanks again,

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "lar.drolet" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Try this:
>     public var modResult:Object;
>     private function onModuleReady( event:Event ):void
>     {
>         modResult = (modMyModule2.child as myResults);
>         modResult.searchResults = arrSearchResults;
>     }
> Also if you are using an Interface you need to reference the Interface
> within both the Application and the Module.
> Check out this blog for some more information:
> http://weblogs.macromedia.com/pent/
> Good Luck.
> LD

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