Wouldn't Fluorine and OpenAMF throw a type-coercion error, given that 
the first argument is typed? Of course, the code in the constructor 
would be called anyways.


Zoltan Csibi a écrit :
> Hi,
> I would like to underline that somebody with good AMF knowledge can 
> craft strongly typed objects and send them to the server-side. If the 
> "deleteUser" doesn't require authentication and authorization it can 
> be hacked in any language.
> function deleteUser($ userVO)
> {
> $userVO->delete( );
> }
> Well, you might expect that $userVO is a "com.myPackage. UserVO", but it
> could also be a "com.myPackage. PhotoVO", or a "com.myPackage. AdminVO",
> or whatever. So you either have to make sure you do receive the VO type
> you expect, using instanceof or is_a, or you should only use "dumb" VOs
> which don't have any methods
> Mit freundlichem Gruß ,
> Zoli

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