Hello all.

I am very new to Flex so forgive me for the newby questions.

I have been reading about Flex Data Services, Web Services, etc and working
through some examples from Adobe.  My question is when is it necessary to
return the data in XML and when is it ok to return other datatypes?

If you read in this article by Ben Forta, it states "To make the integration
as simple as possible, data types are preserved and automatically converted
to their appropriate equivalent types. If ColdFusion returns a string, Flash
receives a string; if ColdFusion returns a query, Flash receives an
ArrayCollection, and so on."

OK, simple enough.  I have worked through examples that do just that.

However, in another article on Adobe's web site (which I cannot locate now
for the life of me), it stated that Flex only understands XML.  The example
on that page illustrated Flex calling a .cfm template, while the other
examples are calling .cfc components.

Is that the difference?  When Flex calls a .cfm, it must receive XML?  And
when it calls cfc functions it can recieve other data types?

Any clarification on this is appreciated.


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