I've been building an application that utilizes data grids.  For some
reason the fields that are set visible="false" are displaying when the
data is populated using a data collection and data is updated. This just
started occurring when I did the updated with Flex Builder.  Anyone else
see this?  If so what did you do to correct?
<mx:DataGrid id="gridEmployees" dataProvider="{searchCollection}"
width="90%" height="100%">
       <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Emp No" dataField="EmpNo"
width="60" />
       <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Name" dataField="Name" />
       <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Job Title" dataField="JobTitle"/>
       <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="PersonID" dataField="PersonID"
       <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="PersonUUID" dataField="PersonUUID"
Shelley Browning
Intermountain Healthcare

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