I made a quick example with a slider. The font size of a button and
label is set to the value of the slider. The slider changes the font
size, which for the button, scales to fit the new font size. You could
have a button that changes the font size throughout your flex app.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml";
layout="absolute" xmlns:ns1="*">

        <mx:HSlider x="498" y="309" minimum="2" maximum="50" snapInterval="2"
liveDragging="true" id="slider" value="24"/>
        <mx:Button x="541" y="347" label="Button" fontFamily="Georgia"
        <mx:Label x="555" y="401" text="Label" fontFamily="Georgia"
color="#ffffff" fontSize="{slider.value}"/>

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "Jurgen Beck" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This may be an odd one and I know that you guys are going to respond
> that you shouldn't really do this in Flex considering that Flex
> applications are something different than Flash movies. :-)  So here it
> goes:
> Has anyone figured out a way to scale fonts (text, either with embedded
> fonts or system fonts) in Flex? Can it be done, and if so, what's best
> practice?
> Rather than resizing the label, text, or text area containers, I need to
> actually scale the font size in the objects. 
> Thanks,
> Jurgen

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