I am trying to dynamically set the sound volume when different video is played via:

stream = new NetStream(nc);
var st:SoundTransform = stream.soundTransform;
st.volume =( 40) * .01;
_volume = st.volume;

Here is the  volume control
<mx:VSlider id="volumeSlider" height="73" thumbDrag="updateVolume(event)" minimum="0" maximum="100" value="{_volume}" dataTipPlacement=" right" tickColor="white" allowTrackClick="true" liveDragging="true" toolTip="Slide to increase/decrease sound" showTrackHighlight="true" borderColor="#FFFFFF" width="27" x="15" y="10"/>

However it always defaults to 100% volume.  What am I doing wrong here?

/Whether you think that you can, or that you can't, you are usually right./
- Henry Ford

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