But that will result in a GET method call and severely limit the data
you can send.


Instead do:

private function doSend(xlData:XMLList):void

  var oRequest:Object = new Object();

  for (var i:int=0;i< xlData.length();i++) {

    xmlCur = xlData [i];







From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of leds usop
Sent: Monday, January 29, 2007 10:12 AM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [flexcoders] HTTPService with variable number of parameter


try appending your url-encoded value pair-parameters
to the url property of your httpservice. or you can
use URLvariable and attach it as data. Cheers!
--- lruinelli <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:lruinelli%40hotmail.com> >

> Hello,
> I have to call a servlet and give it a variable
> number of parameters,
> example:
> <a>22<a/><b>33<b/><c>444<c/>
> or
> <a>222<a/><z>233<z/>
> I suppose it will be possible in AS3 doing somthing
> like : 
> srv.send("an XMLList with my parameters");
> but it seems don't works!
> the mxml of the HTTPService is the following:
> <mx:HTTPService
<http://localhost:8080/prototype2/GetExecute> "
> method="GET"
> useProxy="false" 
> resultFormat="e4x">
> </mx:HTTPService> 
> Can someone help me?
> thanks Lorenzo

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