Hello All,

I am getting confused, as to when I should be referencing the SWFLoader
Component ITSELF, versus the SWFLoader.content - as it relates to
modifying it's properties, etc.

For example, the SWFLoader has the scaleX and scaleY properties
available to the developer.  BUT, so does the Content -

So, if I wanted to Zoom in/out my SWFLoader Content, what would be the
more appropriate command?

        1) SWFLoader.scaleX = value;


        2) SWFLoader.content.scaleX = value;

This is something, that has always confused me.

Also, as many Properties and Methods that the SWFLoader &
SWFLoader.content have in common, there are some that are unique only to

For example, if I want to make the content draggable, the only portion
that makes startDrag() and stopDrag() available to the developer, is the
SWFLoader - NOT the SWFLoader.content -

I guess, what I am asking here, is what's the general rule of thumb -
when attempting to Scale, Move, ... the contents of the SWFLoader?  The
SWFLoader itself?  Or the SWFLoader.content?

Thanks SO much in advance, for anything you can offer regarding this.


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