Dear Charting Gurus/Awesome People,

I was reading Ely's blog on easy custom charting (which i think is
great!) and read some interesting questions in his comment section.  It
turns out I have the same questions as these guys.  They haven't been
answered yet, so I thought I would post them here and see if anyone
could answer them.  Here is a link to Ely's blog post.

1) Arthur  12.26.06 / 11am
Can you suggest a good flex sample site, other than adobe, with some 
good examples, thanks

2) Michael  12.11.06 / 11am

Where do you think would be the best place to learn more about creating
custom charts? I find a lot of your samples greatly useful, but I am
having trouble understanding how to create my own chart types. I have
recently found some code you did for a radar chart and I love it, but I
am having a hard time modifying it to do what I want it to just because
I am not very familiar with creating custom charts. Any direction would
be greatly appreciated. Thank you for all you do for the flex

3)Kazi  1.1.07 / 5pm

Hi Ely!!! Great job!!! I did like all your examples. Very very
helpful!!! I have a question, how can I have multiple y axes but one x
axis. Multiple means much more than 2, at least 30!!! This way I will be
able to stack many charts and then
will be able to compare all those with respect x axis. My last question
is if my x axis is a date/time axis then how I can mark the back ground
with multiple color. As an example suppose my x axis starts from 1/1/07
and ends at 31/12/07. From 1/1/07 to 3/31/07 back ground will be blue
and from 4/1/07 to 9/30/07 will be green and 10/1/07 to 12/31/07 will be
yellow!!!! This is just the back ground. How can I do that?? Thanks for
your time and all your help!! By the way "Happy New Year" and
hope to see some more excellent examples from you in coming days.

(I'm assuming that Kazi is using a bar chart.  I don't even know how to
get dates in on the x linear series!  I was just going to convert he
dates to numbers...any help would be appreciated.)

4)Joe  1.31.07 / 11am

Love your work on the charting components and the useful tips on this
site. I'm very interested at the moment in being able to highlight a
particular bar on a column chart after it is clicked (to show the
currently "selected" chart item). I will try to use this library
to achieve that effect, since it seems to be the easiest way at the
moment to do this. There was some info on the Flex charting helpfile on
how to overlay a colored rectangle on a chart, but it didn't seem
like it would work properly when the browser is resized without a lot
more work on the coordinates handling.


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