Quick update on this issue; Matt Chotin stepped up big time and was
able to get me a new key in less than 24 hours. Thank You, Thank You,
Thank You Matt!


On 2/8/07, Tom Cornilliac <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This is off topic, forgive me. I'm furious and I need to vent publicly
> and I'm sure at least a few of you on this list might benefit from
> this experience. I'm not in the habit of publicly biting the hand that
> feeds me but this nonsense has gone to far to keep it to myself. Adobe
> Customer Service; You should be ashamed of your service in this
> matter.
> I have been "trying" to convert one of my FlexBuilder Windows licenses
> to Mac for nearly 30 days now without success. I've been on the phone
> with Customer services several times now and each time I get a
> different story:
> * First it was "Your Windows volume license key should work on the Mac
> version", I quickly found out that was wrong.
> * Second it was "Sorry about that sir, your Windows key will work but
> you need different media, the demo won't work. We'll ship that to you
> within two weeks", two and a half weeks later no media.
> * So I call for the third time..."I'm sorry sir but you've been
> misinformed, you need to fax us a Letter of Software Destruction and
> we'll issue you a new key within 48 hours. OK no problem I've got six
> days left on my demo.
> * Today my demo has expired and still no key in sight. Again I
> call...."We've received you fax and it's in process but I'm sorry
> again sir, you've been misinformed, it can take up to two weeks to
> issue a new key. You should be receiving your new key along with new
> media in the mail. In the mail!
> Words cannot describe how disappointed I am at this point. Adobe has
> basically shut down my primary development platform in the middle of a
> huge project and they don't seem to care. I have a Platinum Support
> Agreement with Adobe, you'd think surely that would get me priority
> service as the agreement I payed for describes. Sadly, I didn't help
> at all. So what about extending the demo? Extension keys are fairly
> common. Nope, they only have one for FlexBuilder 1.5 and not 2.
> I have payed for the product, I have payed for Customer Service
> priority (to avoid these issues and loss of productivity), I have
> given you ample time to do your job in this matter. What can possibly
> be so hard about issuing a new license key?
> If any of you on the Flex product team are listening and can help in
> this case I would greatly appreciate it. Short of a miracle, I'm off
> to convert my entire development environment back to Windows ;-(
> ~Tom

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