Hi again Flexperts...

I'm still working on my tree of query terms...I'm perplexed about 
customizing the TreeItemRenderer so that my "nodes" (these are 
actually my custom component which is used to create query terms) 
show up instead of the default file icon and label.

Example in plain text:



the + represents my custom component as it's a linkButton that when 
clicked brings up a fancy query builder to add a term for that 
operation...so far I have in XML representing my tree:

<mx:XML id="Terms">
     <Operation label="AND">
        <children label=" " >
     <Operation label="OR">
        <children label=" " >
     <Operation label="NOT">
        <children label=" " >

I want my children to show up as the custom component that is fully 
functional and think that TreeItemRenderer is the place I need to put 
code to do this. Any examples out there for using a custom component 
for nodes?

Thanks in advance!


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