Is there a way to remove comments or strip comments out of the AS3
code during compiler preprocessing?  I have noticed that the SWF size
is larger if comments are left in.  It is not a huge amount of added
size, but it can add up to 10-20 KB for a large project. 

I am working on an AS3 project (not mxml) and I am trying to get the
final size down to less then 40KB.  I am looking for a way to remove
comments to make the SWF smaller.  I would also like to run a tool
that will shorten all the class, property, and method names.  I could
go in and manually optimize the code, but it makes development much
harder when you have no comments and you methods are named gvp()
gvpl() instead of getVideoPlayer() and getVideoPlaylist().  I would
much rather find a precompile process of some kind.

Any ideas?



key words:
remove comments on compile
strip comments
optimize SWF size
reduce size
file size

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