This example is Canvas, but...

dragRule is vertical bar beneath the 'dragger' handle.

  <mx:VRule id="dragRule"
       x="182" y="64" height="315"/>

   <mx:Canvas id="dragger"
       width="10" height="20"
       x="{ dragRule.x-dragger.width/2 }" y="62"
             dragger.startDrag( false,
                  new Rectangle( dragRule.x-dragger.width/2, dragRule.y,
dragRule.width, dragRule.height-dragger.height ) );

- Scott

On 2/10/07, helihobby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


Can anyone post a top on how to to enable only vertical Sprite Drag and
Drop ?

In other words, when the user drags a sprite, he can only drag it
vertically accross the stage and not in any other direction ... !!!

Thanks for the help,



: : ) Scott

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