> All-in-all a very worthwhile exercise and my dev environment is now
> more under my control.

Good to hear. was just replying to your previous post in this thread,
and now I see you got it figured out. Excellent.

> I still can't figure out how to turn on debug logging in Hibernate,

See this other post where I figured out how to turn on the Hibernate
logging. If you don't know about log4j, I suggest doing a few searches
on it, and reading up about the log4j.properties file. It's a very
powerful tool, and Hibernate has a TON of good logging, but its easy
to get lost in it all if you just turn everything on to debug...


Hibernate has a sample log4j.properties in the Hibernate/etc directory

> The exception is thrown way down in the bowels of the Hibernate
> session.save() method which is being called by
> HibernateAssembler.createItem.  From Jeff's last post he seemed to be
> suggesting that updateItem was in some way at fault.  I'm not quite
> seeing how that relates to my problem, although I am clearly no expert.

I'm not exactly sure how the problem would occur from createItem(),
but take a look at my post here I mention what was causing it for me
(was a lazy=false setting on the collection association of the object
being updated)


The issue with the NOT NULL column was that once I had everything
"working" the behavior it was doing was to null out all the FK values
for the association, thereby dis-associating the children from the
parent, then updating all the entries in the collection to point back
to the parent. Once I made the association nullable, the update
started working. (at least as far as FDS was concerned.

> Jeff, if you have a new version of the Assembler code and want a
> guinea-pig, send it my way.



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