Here's what I did for a video app.

Instead of setting the source of the videodisplay, I bound it to a variable and 
then use a function (setVideoSource) to set the 
variable (flvPath) and call the load method on the videodisplay.

Since this is a desktop app, I had 3 ways to open/load an flv (drag and drop 
file on app, browse for file dialog, command line 
parameter), so the setVideoSource method was called from 3 different actions.


    private var flvPath:String = "";

    private function setVideoSource(flv:String):void {
        this.flvPath = flv;


<mx:VideoDisplay id="video_vd"
   width="320" height="240"
   autoPlay="false" source="{flvPath}"


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "klumikaze" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, February 12, 2007 6:20 PM
Subject: [flexcoders] Re: VideoDisplay won't load first frame

Thanks Muzak,

Unfortunately that didn't do the trick either...

Any other ideas?


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