What happens is that the date field actually passes back a timestamp with time zone specified, not just the date value. I ended up having to turn datefield.selectedDate into a string with just the date information, and pass that string to the server to be converted back into a date.

It's an issue with AS3... date objects now have the full date, time and timezone information, if you want it or not. You can't assign only part of it.


Gordon Smith wrote:

Perhaps you're having a time zone problem where it's the 9th on the client and the 8th on the server. A Date instance has a time as well as a date. I'd recommend breaking the Date into month/day/year on the client and sending only that information to the server. - Gordon

*From:* flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] *On Behalf Of *baserath_2001
*Sent:* Friday, February 09, 2007 1:18 PM
*To:* flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
*Subject:* [flexcoders] Datefield inconsistencies? Or is it just me!

This little error is driving me crazy:

I am trying to populate a datagrid with values from a table based on
the day selected in the datefield. I can use the datefield to choose
and pass the value to my webservice but the result returned does not
reflect the date selected. For example I can select 2/9/2007 and the
service sends 2/8/2007 if it sends any data at all.

Is my error in flex or in my webservice. I know this is not a
coldfusion forum but I use a cffunction as my service. I feel it may
be flex related since occasionally I can get the same error in

When the component is created I set the default date of the datefield
using the following code in the DateField Creation Complete event:

creationComplete="dtcLogDate.selectedDate = new Date();"

The initialized the data loads properly based on the above setting
but when I start changing the date is where the problem exists.

I pass the variable as the input parameter in the service using:


My webservice is below as you can see I receive the dateVar as a
cfarugment I then break it down into dayparts in order to filter my
data since the data, which being filtered is stored in "mm/dd/yyyy
hh:mm:ss AM" format in the db.

hint="I get the log history for display"

<cfargument name="dateVar" required="false" />

<cfset scheduleMonth = #DateFormat(arguments.dateVar, "mm")#>
<cfset scheduleDay = #DateFormat(arguments.dateVar, "dd")#>
<cfset scheduleYear = #DateFormat(arguments.dateVar, "yyyy")#>

<cfquery name="gryLogHistory" datasource="test">
E.phone as empPhone,
STUFF(CONVERT(char(19), L.logrecord , 100),1,12,'') AS
S.address as StoreAddress,
S.city as StoreCity,
S.state as StoreState,
S.phone as StorePhone
FROM dbo.loghistory AS L
INNER JOIN dbo.employees AS E
ON L.eid = E.eid
INNER JOIN dbo.stores AS S
ON S.sid = E.sid
WHERE DATEPART(yyyy, L.logrecord) = #scheduleYear# AND
DATEPART(mm, L.logrecord) = #scheduleMonth# AND
DATEPART(dd, L.logrecord) = #scheduleDay#
order by logrecord desc
<cfreturn gryLogHistory />

Thanks in advance!

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