Our flex developer recently left our company, and I've been given the
task of resuming work on an enormous project he was involved in. 
Right now, I'm trying to do something where I display a tile list of
images depending on the results from a database query returned by a
call to a method in a CFC.

I've written a coldfusion page called image.cfm that can take a URL
parameter (the ID of the image from the database), retrieve the file
from our filesystem, and simulate the content of the image by doing a
<cfcontent> to spit out the binary data of the image.  This is
obviously handy, because I don't need to know the location of any of
the image files on my fileserver.  I can simply request
image.cfm?id=12345 and the ColdFusion page will handle the rest,
returning the image with ID 12345.  This works beautifully on our web

The problem I'm having now is that I'm trying to implement something
similar using Flex.  Each time I try, Flex only displays a broken
image.  As I was trying to figure this out, I broke things down to as
simple as I could make them.  I created a sample image called
test.jpg.  I also modified image.cfm so that it only loads test.jpg. 
When I navigate directly to image.cfm with my web browser


It displays the image just exactly as I'd expect it to.  However, when
I run my Flex application with the following code:

<mx:Image x="0" y="0" source="image.cfm"/>
<mx:Image x="100" y="0" source="test.jpg"/>

The second <mx:Image> displays just fine, but the first one does not.

Does anyone know if it's possible to do something like this from
inside Flex?  I'm very new to Flex, but not to development in general.
 I'd appreciate any information you might have.  Thanks!

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