You have html-template in version control? I don't include that or any of
the eclipse/flex files (.project, etc.) - and no problems, here. I also
don't include the /bin folder, until I create custom files, such as
index.html, js, css (html), etc...


On 2/13/07, Grant Davies <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

   Sorry for the double post but I hijacked by accident..

I figured out my issue is svn and flex based on this post :

somehow a stale main.swf got into our html-template folder and then was
copied into our bin folder and all hell breaks loose,  has there been a fix
yet for flex so it ignores svn folders when copyng ?  a quick google search
didn't reveal much..


*› b l u e t u b e i n t e r a c t i v e.*
.: grant davies
.: 404.428.6839 (c)
.: 708-983-1577 (F)
› A Tribal Chicken Designs Affiliate <>


: : ) Scott

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