yes I hate this too, I submitted a FB enchancement, do the same so it will get 
included into the next release, hopefully.
Dimitrios Gianninas
RIA Developer
Optimal Payments Inc.


From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Tom 
Sent: Thursday, February 15, 2007 7:37 PM
Subject: [flexcoders] Why do linked resources have to reside in project root 

I'm using modules to break up my app into smaller chunks. I was
following the advice to create multiple projects (one for the main
app, one for each module) and link from the main app to the compiled
modules' SWF files that I've seen on this list as well as the revamped
Module documentation when I ran into a problem.

It was my understanding that I could create links from the main
application bin folder to the SWFs in the module projects bin folders.
However, the standalone version of Flex Builder 2.0.1 displays an
error in the "New File" dialog stating "Cannot create linked resource
module.swf. Linked resources must have a project as their parent." if
I attempt to create the resource link in any of the project
subdirectories. The error disappears if I select the main project
folder as the parent.

This is really frustrating! Flex Builder won't compile a file into a
SWF (by marking it as an application) unless it is in the project
root. I thought that creating separate projects for modules and
linking to their SWF files would get around this limitation, only to
find it is just as limited. Am I really going to have to place the
source files for my shell app and all of my modules in a single
project root directory just so Flex Builder will build and place all
of them in a single bin folder?

I've already spent the past two days learning about Ant scripting so I
could compile source files that weren't in the project root. Once I
got that to work, I found that coding errors no longer show up in the
"Problems" view (bye bye double-clicking to open the file and jump to
the problem line) and the "Run" and "Debug" buttons won't launch the
compiled app.

What is the right way to make all of this work?


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